![]() 02/01/2018 at 13:13 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
!!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
, though since this is not reported on conservative media, we are to assume that it’s fake news.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 13:45 |
I saw this this morning, and just shook my head.
I overheard a co-worker yesterday say something to the effect of, “Well you have to respect the President even if you don’t agree with what he says.” I’m sorry, but I don’t respect people who have no regard for facts, and rather have a pattern of saying things that are clearly, demonstrably false.
Around this time last year I was having
the same conversation
with a different co-worker, and said, “It would be like me telling you it’s raining today, when clearly it’s sunny without a cloud in the sky.” And he said, “umm, you did hear about his comment on the weather during the inauguration, right?” I had not. So he told me. And then I threw up my hands and walked away.
Forget the political stuff. This is simple stuff, and yet...
In college, I was managing a club ski team, and a kid wanted to join. I said, “sure, have you ski raced before?” (A basic requirement to, you know, be on a ski racing team). He started in with all this stuff that was so obviously made up it was embarrassing. Telling me about how many points he had in whatever league, which I knew enough about to know it wasn’t possible. Like if it was golf, and he said he hit a 23 the other day on 18 holes. Or that he could run a 3.- second 40. I think of him often these days.
The Earth is flat. Freedom is Slavery. Facts are relative. None of this matters.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 13:50 |
I think we can all agree that TV ratings for the SOTU are what’s most important, right? :) :)
![]() 02/01/2018 at 13:57 |
They do this to mess with people like you and me who overthink everything. 45 is adroit at playing us.
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I’m an educator, which you probably already know. I spent a year in a very urban high school as an administrator. Guns, knives, mace tasers, drugs, sex, all of it, daily. But the part that really got to me was when the kids would stand there and lie. Here’s the video clearly showing you doing whatever, and you are telling me you did not.
For my part, I am learning to largely ignore the man. And I want Chuck Schumer replaced.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:03 |
Yeah, I’m doing my best to ignore him, as well — I don’t believe a word that he says about absolutely anything, so why bother.
And yeah, it’s not just that side of the aisle that needs some upgrades, either. :/
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:03 |
I do have these moments where I believe it’s all part of a greater strategy. Distract, distract, distract, then occasionally slip in something that would
be a headline in itself, but it’s lost in the noise.
I still think he’s unstable.
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I heard Bernie being interviewed yesterday. Dude sounds old but he knows what’s going on.
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He’s as stable as any other 12-year-old playground bully.
I read yesterday that the secret memo will show that the Steele Dossier was a Democrat-funded collusion effort.
The next two election cycles are going to be interesting. I want to see some independents like Jeff Flake or Bernie Sanders rive the entire playing field.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:28 |
Damaged man. Damaged country. Bad result.
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He’ll be 79 in 2020. I agree with him on some things, not on others, but either way, I don’t think the country would elect a 79 year old.
But we DO need more independent, rational thought in politics - I’m middle of the road enough that I’d vote for those people whether they are D, R, I or anything else.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:35 |
I’m a mixed bag as well. I’d vote for Jeff Flake in a hot second over anyone I see bobbing in the Democrat gene pool. I really like Goofy Elizabeth Warren, but I think Trump has already disarmed her. He’ll keep calling her Pocahontas — Warren’s self inflicted wound — and nobody will take her seriously. 45 is adroit at what he does. Truly a gifted bully.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:39 |
I try to ignore stuff like this. But I also try to file it away in my memory as a data point, you know?
![]() 02/01/2018 at 14:42 |
Yup - nodding my head vigorously to all of that.
I’m proud of the fact that I live in a district that went against 45 twice, and I voted for the winner (in the district) both times.
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My good who is a conservative says that his vote doesn’t count because he lives in California.
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He’s like this guy rattling his keys in one hand to get your attention while his other hand is grabbing your wallet.
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Yeah, I know plenty of people who feel that way on both sides, but I feel like it’s my duty - besides, you never know.
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Jeff Flake and Dick Durban are the only two U.S. senators I respect right now.
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Not just Chuck, I want every aspect of government replaced. As in, (metaphorically) nuke it all (state and federal) and start over. Keep businesses out of Gov’t and it’s subsidiary committees, out of politicians pockets, out of it all. Keep any semblance of religion out of it all - elect people to serve who can keep religion out of their ideas for government. If you can’t vote without considering/hearing religious banter, don’t vote. Running a gov’t/country has nothing to do with it. Put education and healthcare and telecoms in the hands of people who know what the fuck they’re doing and keep industry members and their ilk far, far away from them. Get rid of the electoral college, set that shit on metaphorical fire. Get rid of gerrymandering.
I could go on, but I wasn’t really planning on typing that much. Seems a nerve has been hit...
deep breath...deep breath...
![]() 02/01/2018 at 18:01 |
Chuck, Nancy, DiFi... Fire ‘em.
I have a more nuanced view of the religious aspect. I don’t have a problem with someone views and actions being
by their faith. It’s when they use politics to
the tenets of whatever faith they subscribe to that I have problems. I mean, what’s the point of a faith that
everyone to do whatever? What’s left to have any faith in? Certainly subscribing to a religion has done much good for me in my own life, but as long as you are not HARMING ME OR MINE, then you are your own agent, as I see it.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 18:23 |
I just don’t think a persons religious views should have any bearing on their work in forming/creating governmental policy, government work in general, or their election. I just feel like we’re at a point where it has become way too involved in how our government works - almost as if a lot of politicians don’t understand that they govern people of all beliefs, including non - and I’m tired of it.
I have no issues with people having their own beliefs/religions, so long as they don’t come at me with it and they allow me to have mine. But it’s a whole different discussion for a whole different day.
![]() 02/01/2018 at 20:44 |
I take your point entirely. The thing is, for well or ill, the man sitting here typing this comment is a guy who is deeply subscribed to an organized religion. I wouldn’t want to be some other guy than that. So if I were your politician — PERISH THE THOUGHT — it would be my duty to represent you and not foist my religious views on you, nor to not seek your vote because you didn’t have any.
But it’s good. Peace.
![]() 02/02/2018 at 16:42 |
Try voting for a Democrat in Texas.
![]() 02/02/2018 at 17:40 |
Do they publish the list?
![]() 02/02/2018 at 17:58 |
The list?
![]() 02/02/2018 at 18:22 |
Of who votes Dem in Texas...
![]() 02/02/2018 at 20:32 |
I have no idea. Never heard of such a thing.
![]() 02/02/2018 at 22:45 |
It was a joke.